Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Highrise Services Calculation 1

First of all, these are the general information that you have to have.

1. Plot ratio of the site
2. Allowable plinth area of the site
3. Open space of the site
4. Total site area
5. Proposed quantity of floor (does not include the number of basement/s)

Total site area = 8371.76m²
Allowable plinth area = 60%
Open space = 40%
Plot Ratio = 1:7
Quantity of Floor = 34 storeys

1. Gross Floor Area (GFA)

= Site Area x Plot Ratio
8371.76m² x 7
= 58602.32m²

2. Plinth Area

= Allowable plinth area x site area
60% x 8371.76m²
= 5023.06m²

3. Size per floor

GFA / Quantity of floor
58602.32m² / 34
= 1723.60m² (does not determine the size of basement/s)

* The size per floor usually be determined first based on the space requirements set out by the client.

4. Net Lettable Area (NLA)

GFA - 30%GFA or 70% of GFA
(30% of GFA is the area reserved for services)
58602.32m² - 30%(58602.32m²)
= 58602.32m² - 17580.70m²
= 41021.62m²

5. Maximum number of occupants

= NLA / area per person
(Let say 10m² per person, please refer Neufert for this)
41021.62m² / 10m²
= 4102 person

* Number of occupants usually be determined based on the building program and the space planning.

6. Maximum number of occupants per floor

= Maximum number of occupants / Quantity of floor
4102 / 34
= 410 occupants per floor

7.Number of Car parking space

NLA / Specified number by the local authority
(125 is the number specified by the local authority, in this case it is the number provided by the Johor City Council in the Local Development Plan)
41021.62m² / 125
= 328 parking

8. Number of Motorcycle parking space

30% x Car parking space
30% x 328
= 98 parking

*Note that this calculation is just a general guideline, it DOES NOT have to be precisely followed.


  1. dude, good post, however:

    1. usually people calculate size tower dulu, br kire brape byk tower ley dpt. bcoz size tower refers to ur spaces provided.

    2. number of occupants refers to program n space planning as well. that'll be better

    3. might as well NLA = 70% GFA

    4. number of parking is based on NLA, not GFA

    5. number levels of basements depends on ur basement floor size (usually follow the plinth area) n number of parkings

    good luck for ur submission :)

  2. 1. yeap yeap. i will amend the post nanti. skang ni tgh berusaha utk submission esok. sebab aku tau die ada mcm salah sebab pengiraan die kasik number yang tak accurate. so that is why, i post dulu then kalau sapa2 comment then baru ubah balik.

    anyway, thanks khruz for the comments!

  3. the calculation has already been amended. =)
