Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Beginning

i'm in my third year second semester now. It's almost at the end of the semester (which within a few days, it'll be over by the time i'm writing this) and i realize i've made a wise decision to retake the semester since i'd screwed up the last one. I really enjoy the semester as i have to do a lot of research which i've never required to do such. (it's just i don't wanna admit that i've been a pure procrastinator all this while)

suddenly it strikes me to start such blog as a journal of my life as an achitecture student. (should have realized about this few years ago! damn!) architecture has changed my perception of perceiving normal everyday things. which somehow i appreciate life better now (although sometimes i do feel i'm such a pain in the ass to my partner). but somehow architecture shape us (architecture students) to be individualistics. we compete among each other too much and somehow we feel our friends as foes and tend to just stab them at the back!(fuck you fuckerss!! i would love to just run them over in the street!)

although i love architecture alot but somehow it got its ways to fuck me back! i don't need sex, architecture fucks me alot! hypothetically speaking. but architecture is the only thing i can do and it has been my life and passion since i was a kid. come on architecture! fuck me more!! =P

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